Tag: online gaming


India has proposed a body for the online gaming industry to regulate itself as there have been rising concerns over the habit-forming nature of games and patchy state regulations that disrupt business, in draft amendments to its information technology rules published on Monday. The proposal comes after a government panel proposed ... Read More
January 3, 2023Roland Landers


This year saw the gaming industry in India arrive at new levels, with the nation getting its most memorable bronze medal in the first esports tournament this year hosted by Commonwealth Games, and this is only the start, experts say. “2022 indeed has been a game-changing year for our industry. The ... Read More
December 29, 2022Roland Landers


Think Change Forum (TCF), an independent think tank committed to producing groundbreaking thoughts and tracking down solutions for exploring the post-pandemic world, delivered proposals based on a roundtable on 'What is the right taxation approach for a sunrise sector like Online Skill-Based Gaming?’ The event had five eminent panelists: Mr. Rohan ... Read More
December 29, 2022Roland Landers


Social structures and norms profoundly affected women as a gender group in the past. To break this, there have been a few "equalizers" in the form of access that have changed the worldview. In the gaming space, the arrival of the internet and mobile networks is gradually changing a male-dominated bastion ... Read More
December 29, 2022Roland Landers


Gaming has for some time been a common pastime for many individuals. It has arrived at new levels because of the pandemic, the introduction of smartphones, and their availability. Due to its popularity, gaming has acquired a significant following. Furthermore, online gaming promotes a sound and competitive atmosphere and works ... Read More
December 29, 2022Roland Landers


Online gaming is at another level of popularity than ever, and players expect a more fantastic experience from it. This is because of the technological advancements that have made gaming more vivid and engaging than at any other time. However, as their popularity has grown, gamers' expectations of user interactions have ... Read More
December 29, 2022Roland Landers


The consistent development of the online gaming industry as of late has given a captivating insight into steadily developing customer behavior. Propelled by current favorable circumstances such as the high reception rate of smartphones, digital payments, accessible technologies, and the internet, and the availability of a skilled workforce, new-age entrepreneurs ... Read More
December 29, 2022Roland Landers


Esports competitions date back to the 1970s (though they did not appear to be what they are today), but they have yet to reach their full potential. Not a long time ago, esports tournament organizers began moving video game competitions from small gaming cafes to stadiums loaded with onlookers. Even ... Read More
December 29, 2022Roland Landers


Online gaming has forever been seen as a type of entertainment. However, with the development of the tech industry, it is likewise being recognized as a tool for learning. The explosion of Web 2.0 innovation boosted the opportunities to engage with technological applications in a collaborative and participatory manner that have ... Read More
December 27, 2022Roland Landers


Should India support, by policy, games in which chance assumes a significant part? The law sees pay-to-earn with a beady eye, and how relevant that is, is itself up in the air. The extent of pay-to-earn that goes on, corresponding to cricket matches or electoral results, not to talk about the ... Read More
December 27, 2022Roland Landers