Born on 31st December 1950, Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Vikramajit Sen has been an academic marvel since the beginning. He attended St. Xavier’s School, Delhi, and passed the ISC in the First Division, Graduated from St. Stephen’s College with Honours in History, and attained First Division in LL.B from Faculty of Laws, Delhi University. He was also awarded the First Prize in Moot Court and Silver Medal in Labour Laws.
Along with his academics, he has also captained Faculty Teams in Basketball and Tennis and was chosen Sports Secretary. Mr. Vikramajit Sen has practiced in all the Courts of Delhi, although primarily in the High Court of Delhi handling civil, arbitration, and commercial disputes. Mr. Vikramajit Sen has a special interest and consultancy on minority rights. Our esteemed member of Skill Games Council, Justice Vikramajit Sen was a judge of the Supreme Court of India. A former Chief Justice of Karnataka High Court, he currently serves as the Chairman of Bombay Stock Exchange.
He has been a member of - 7th and 8th Synod, Church of North India; Delhi Diocesan Council, CNI; New Delhi YMCA, Board of Directors. Board of Governors - St. Stephen's College, Delhi; Bishop Cotton School Shimla; Queens Mary's School Delhi; St. Stephen's Hospital Tis Hazari, Delhi; Philadelphia Hospital, Ambala. Managing Committees of a few other Christian Institutions. Center Member of the Inter Denomination Committee under the aegis of the Catholic Bishop's Conference of India for proposals of amendments to the Personal Laws connecting with Christians in India.
He was named as an Additional Judge of the Delhi High Court in July 1999 and a permanent Judge in October 2000. He was likewise the member of the Malta Judicial Conference under the auspices of the Hague Convention; Addressed the South Asia Forum for Infrastructure Regulation Workshop coordinated by Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission in August 2002; Invited by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) to the Regional Expert Conference on "Harmonized Development of Legal and Regulatory Systems for E-commerce in Asia and the Pacific: Current Challenges and Capacity Building Needs'' at Bangkok, Thailand in July 2004; Participated in the 'Global Intellectual Property Academy’ (GIPA) Session on enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights' in September 2007 at Alexandria, Virginia, coordinated by United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO); Invited by the Lord Chancellor of the United Kingdom to the launch of Michaelmas Sittings in October 2007; Sessions Chairman of the Third Malta Judicial Conference on Cross-frontier Family Law Issues in March 2009 coordinated in Malta by the Hague Conference on Private International Law; Addressed the 'International Family Justice and Judicial Conference for Common Law and Commonwealth Jurisdiction' in August 2009 at Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, England; Member of International Association of Family Judges. Addressed "International Judicial Conference on Cross-Border Family Relocation'' held in Washington D.C. in March 2010; and Addressed the '3rd Meeting of the Working Party on Mediation in the Context of the Malta Conference' in May 2010 at Gatineau, Canada. As a Member of the Planning Committee of the Common Law –Commonwealth Conference, 2009 addressed to the Conference in Hyderabad in February 2011. As the Co-Moderator in the Conference on Mediation coordinated in relationship with Hong Kong Mediation Council and Hong Kong International Arbitration Center. He was the First Chairperson of Delhi High Court Arbitration Center and in this limit was engaged with its establishment just as its activity. He was also a Member of the National Legal Services Authority and Executive Chairman, Delhi Legal Services Authority. Along with that, he was also the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Tribunal announcing Deendar Anjuman as an unlawful Association in the year 2003 and, Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Tribunal announcing Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE) as an unlawful Association in the year 2008 and thereafter in 2010.
In September 2011, he was designated as the Acting Chief Justice – High Court of Karnataka and assumed office as Chief Justice, High Court of Karnataka in December 2011. He has taken part in the Malta Process (Hague Conference on Private International Law) in April 2012. He also addressed at the Hong Kong International Family Justice Judicial Conference in August 2012. On appointment as Judge of the Supreme Court of India, he assumed office in December 2012 and resigned on 30 December 2015. In 2017, Justice Sen was named as the Chairman of the Broadcast Content Complaints Council (BCCC), which is a self-regulatory body for the non-news and current affairs television channels in India.
Credit: AIGF
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