Women Gamers’ Community In India Has Grown Exponentially During The Pandemic

Women increasingly challenged the traditionally male-dominated world of gaming. During the pandemic, there has not only been an increase in female gamers, but also in the number of women who have made gaming their profession! A recent report by the All India Game Federation found that there will be 365 million online gamers in the country in 2020, which will increase to 510 million by 2022, with exponential growth in the number of female gamers. According to the Think with Google APAC: Play like a Girl, 2020 report, the number of women in India starting to use the Internet on their smartphones has increased from 19% to 42% every year. Among them, 95% of people use smartphones to play games, indicating the huge growth potential of the Asian market. Women players expand through multiple genres: adventure, first-person shooter, multiplayer online battlefield, survival horror, virtual sports, or strategy. Experts say that enjoying the game is a good thing, and it is important not to overplay the game. "If the game affects work or personal life, it is a red flag," said psychologist Shobna Das. Dr. Ashish Agarwal, the physician said: 'Players need to maintain good health and exercise every day; wrap yourself up an hour before going to bed to help improve sleep cycles.’ Credits: TimesOfIndia