Skill Games Charter - Integrity, Exposure and Responsible Gaming

Established in 2016, AIGF is the oldest industry body for Online Skill Gaming in India. AIGF’s prime goal is to facilitate recognition for the fastest-growing sectors of the Indian economy: The Online Skill Gaming Industry. AIGF’s Skill Games Charter focuses on self-regulating all games of skill played online in pay-to-play formats, which is essential to stay aware of selective requirements of inclination and user security in the skill gaming industry. AIGF aims at managing issues that concern the gaming industry and involves game operators, players, social activists, lawyers, economists, policy analysts, industry experts, legal and advisory firms, tech organizations, game developers, payment gateway vendors, game enthusiasts, game bloggers and. responsible gaming companies, who are fundamental for running the gaming sector. AIGF is committed to inclusively representing the totality of the gaming industry. Our members follow the rules put forth in the Skill Games Charter –Integrity, Exposure, and Responsible Gaming being some of them. Integrity, Exposure, and Responsible Gaming
  1. Employee, Personnel, chiefs, or different people associated with a Member, with admittance to exclusive, delicate or secret data identifying with the Member's services ("Member Personnel) will be confined from playing the games against different users on such Platform (except if such participation is embraced in a private association, restricted to the Member Personnel alone or to test the Member's games or to teach the Member Personnel about the Member's game). All Member Personnel will be needed to sign appropriate documentation to give impact to this principle.
  1. Member Personnel won't share any exclusive, delicate, or secret data with some other Members or online game providers. All Member Personnel will be needed to sign appropriate documentation to give impact to this standard.
  2. Members will not make any special exposure of secret data concerning the game or factual data relevant to the game to any person external such Member's organization. Members will do whatever it may take to guarantee that the users' own data will be kept secure.
  3. Members will make accessible all authorized scripts to every game user and will not, to its information, allow or work with the use of contents that give a user or a restricted set of users an unfair advantage
  4. Members will pre-determine and, where appropriate, limit the number of allowed entries by a solitary user in a specific round or game
  5. Members will permit a user to set every day, week after week, and month-to-month deposit limits, and such cut-off points will be executed quickly upon demand from the user.
  6. Members will make data promptly accessible on its Platform to its users on the most proficient method to game dependably and how to get to data about mindful gaming rehearses. Such data will contain data on the conceivably pernicious impacts of gaming. Members will work with on its Platform the admittance to a self-administered test for gaming addiction and will give data on and contact addresses for treatment centers.
  7. Members will offer and carry out a period our office to its users for specific pre-indicated lengths as might be controlled by the Member and chosen by the user.
  8. A Member will place into impact methods for self-exclusion of users from the Member's game and will make all sensible moves to explicitly illuminate the users regarding these processes for self-exclusion. Members will use service or otherwise forestall a person who has given a self-exclusion notification to the Member from partaking in pay-to-play formats on the Platform corresponding to the game for which the self-exclusion has been practiced by the user.
  9. Members will find ways to eliminate the name and details of a self-exclusion person from any advertising information bases for the Platform, used by the Member organization or group (or in any case flag that person as an individual to whom marketing material should not be sent), inside 2 days of getting the finished self-exclusion notice.
  10. Members will hinder any user accounts of a mentioned self-exclusion on a Platform and will move all rewards held in such a user's account to the user's assigned ledger in the wake of making appropriate deductions, and handle the unused principal sum, according to the conditions of the Platform.
  11. Members will fulfill themselves that none of the terms on which its game is presented on a Platform establishes unjustifiable or prohibitive exchange rehearses inside the significance of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, as amended now and then.
  12. Members will inform the AIGF regarding the event of any of the accompanying occasions as for the Member:
  • in the event of a petition for winding up has been documented in any equipped court or a recipient has been delegated or its directors have proposed to creditors a piece in fulfillment of its obligations or a plan of courses of action of its issues;
  • an appeal for insolvency has been documented in any competent court;
  • any breach of a pledge given to a bank or other loan lender by the Member;
  • any default in payment of court dues, including settlement sums, staying neglected IS days after the due date by the Member;
  • where the Member holds user funds in a different ledger, any shortage on the reconciliation of such financial balance;
  • any examination by a regulatory or government body (barring tax experts) in whatever jurisdiction, into the Member's or alternately Platform's exercises, or an individual involving a qualifying position used by the Member (where such qualifying position will be considered to mean any directors, partners, owners, CEO, CFO, heads of division, company secretary or key managerial personnel), where such an examination could bring about the burden of approval or punishment which whenever imposed, could sensibly be anticipated to raise questions about the Member's down;
  • any criminal examination by a law enforcement organization Into the Member, or any of its officials corresponding to Member's business, in any jurisdiction;
  • the commencement (in whatever Jurisdiction) of any material litigation against the Member, or any of its officials corresponding to Member's business (including the Platform); and
  • any breach in the Member's data security that adversely influences the confidentiality of user information or keeps users from getting to their records for longer than 24 hours. If there should be an occurrence of a breach of the Member's data security, the Member will likewise answer to the appropriate public authorities following relevant laws.
14. Members will give impact to mechanisms and institution manual interventions to prevent fraud and conspiring among users or             unreasonable exercises by users to influence the result of the game 15. Members will consent to the AIGF Responsible Gaming Policy as brought out by the AIGF every once in a while.     Credits: AIGF