The State Government on Thursday guaranteed the Karnataka High Court that it won't take a precipitous move against petitioners, who are online gaming operators, during the pendency of petitions challenging the amendment brought to the Karnataka Police Act to deny and condemn games of skill in the state.
Advocate General Prabhuling K Navadgi submitted with that impact before Justice Krishna S Dixit, who was hearing a batch of petitions. The All India Gaming Federation and others moved the HC, challenging the legitimacy of the amendment to the Karnataka Police Act to preclude and condemn the playing of games of skill, including online games, by gambling money or in any case.
The senior direction, addressing the petitioners, battled that the inclusion of skill inside the ambit of gaming is past the legislative competence of the state.
Credits: The New Indian Express
No Precipitative Action Against Online Gaming Ops: State Tells Karnataka HC
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