How Smartphones Are Changing the Gaming World

How far mobile phones have come is a remarkable aspect of modern technology's development. Not too long ago, phones could only offer a low-resolution, two-dimensional experience that was far from as good as the video game consoles of the day. However, significant players like Shadowgun, Real Steel, and Dead Trigger are taking over the mobile game market as the quality of the genre has significantly improved. The Changing Face of Mobile Gaming The sheer variety of mobile gaming titles is one of the most significant developments. The first mobile games were limited to straightforward titles that could be displayed on a smaller screen. Puzzles and sports games are common examples of this; players could see enough to figure out what was going on, but that was about it. However, fast forward to the present day, and mobile gaming has a wide selection of games, including first-person shooters and platformers. The graphics in many of these games are comparable to those of console games, indicating a significant improvement in their quality. The best part is that many of the best games are also available for Android and iOS devices, so your phone options aren't as limited as your console options. Crowdfunding Smartphone Games Previously, mobile gaming was a monopoly, with a small number of developers possessing the resources, expertise, and reach necessary to produce successful games. Because Supercell and King had dedicated studios that produced mobile games professionally, no one else had a chance to break into the market. All of that has changed in the modern era thanks to the ability to crowdfund games, which enables inexperienced game developers to enlist the assistance of fans to acquire the resources required to produce mobile games of high quality. These games are more creative and provide a better gaming experience for players because they are developed by visionary auteurs rather than soulless corporations. Mobile Devices Make Gaming More Accessible The most significant impact that smartphones have had on the gaming industry is, without a doubt, their ability to make gaming more accessible. Nowadays, almost everyone has a smartphone that can play games, whether they're small, snack-style games like Fruit Ninja, big mobile games like Real Steel, or exciting card games like online scratchcards. As a result, everyone will have an easier time enjoying the gaming experience. The majority of consoles cost between £300 and £400 without games! Gaming is a very expensive hobby that not everyone can afford because each game costs an additional £30-£60. However, smartphones can be purchased for as little as £100, and mobile games are significantly less expensive than traditional games. Gaming is much more accessible than it used to be thanks to the lower entry barrier and increased utility of smartphones. CONCLUSION The mobile gaming industry has come a long way in the last ten to twenty years, and it's scary. As mobile games have caught up to the console industry and become a genuine alternative to conventional video game consoles, their rate of development has been exponential. In addition, there is no indication that this growth is slowing down, and we can't wait to see how the smartphone will further transform the gaming industry. Credit: Gadget Bridge