Center To Scout Rural Talent For AVGC Sector

The public authorities are attempting to foster a structure to scout rural talent and present scholarships in the fields of animation, visual effects, gaming, and comics (AVGC) even as they intend to carry out a general strategy to support the sector, authorities acquainted with the matter said. Four new committees under a task force have been set up to look at industry and policy, education, and gaming sectors. The board of education, headed by All India Council for Technical Education chairperson Anil Sahasrabudhe, will work on rural scouting programs as well as prescribe ways of teaming up with the New Education Policy to deal with pedagogical advancements for the sector. It will work on a national integrated educational program system for a degree, diploma, or elective courses and faculty improvement in the sector. The board is additionally commanded to foster partnerships to instill best practices. The board on industry and policy will be headed by Information and Broadcasting (I & B) ministry secretary Apurva Chandra and will work on facilitating line convergence among line ministers for expanding India's worldwide AVGC share. It will likewise concoct a public AVGC strategy. The board of trustees on gaming, headed by I & B joint secretary Vikram Sahay, will undertake a study on ways of expanding co-production in the sector among Indian and worldwide organizations. The skill development advisory group will prescribe ways of aligning courses to satisfy global standards, recognize corporate social obligation opportunities, and propose short-and long-haul course educational plans. The I & B service on April 8 set up the task force under a budget declaration. It has been said that the AVGC sector in India can turn into the light carrier of "Make in India" and "Brand India". According to the ministry, India can capture 5% ($40 billion) of the global market share by 2025, with an annual growth rate of 25–30% and more than 1,60,000 new jobs created each year. The public authority has likewise set up an inter-ministerial panel to propose uniform public guidelines for online gaming.     Credit: Hindustan Times