AIGF institutes Skill Games Charters to regulate the Skill Gaming Industry

In the move to regulate the Skill Gaming sector which comprises Poker, Rummy and Fantasy Sports, the All India Gaming Federation (AIGF), an apex body for Gaming in India recently launched the Skill Games Charters. With the unprecedented rise of the Gaming operators as well as the players in all the three mentioned Skill Game verticals, the need to self-regulate all Games of Skill played online in pay-to-play formats has been felt now than ever. It is said that these AIGF Skill Games Charters, which are carefully crafted by experts and relevant stakeholders from the Gaming and Legal industry, will lend a structure to the Indian Gaming industry as also protect the player interest and bring about transparency and integrity to the Indian Gaming industry. What do the Skill Games Charters contain? The AIGF Skill Games Charters firstly lays down certain ground rules for its own members and members to be,in terms of legality, transparency & disclosure, integrity, security and responsible gaming, breach &consequences to name a few.In addition to the general principles, the charter also takes into consideration specific Skill Gaming verticals like Fantasy Sports, Online Rummy and Online Poker Games and lists down guidelines for each. Click here to view the Skill Games Charter Audit Assessment Framework for Gaming Operators As next step to build upon the Skill Games Charters and siting the need for a robust and effective framework for Gaming Operators, AIGF has associated with one India’s top 4 consulting firms in India to draft an ‘Audit Assessment Framework’ for Gaming Operators.This is also seen as a significant step that will hugely benefit the industry as a whole.